How to use Securaze Work offline?

How to use Securaze Work offline?

How can I use Securaze Work (ISO) in the LAN where no DHCP server and no WLAN is available?

For usage without DHCP server and WLAN, 3 possible solutions are available, when you want to process devices that support our Securaze Work Linux image (ISO).

  1. Static IP setup with Securaze Command

Set the network configuration in Securaze Command to use a static ip-adress.

Please find details regarding setting up Securaze Command in the Securaze Work manual, page 25. in the chapter "Command".

  1. Offline erasure with Securaze Motion smartphone application

If no network connection can be established, the offline erasure login is shown. 
For using the offline erasure, the shown QR-Code needs to be scanned with Securaze Motion application, and login happens with the provided One-Time-Password.
Please find details regarding offline erasure via Motion app in the Securaze Work manual, page 146.
Processing data will be collected and sent to the Dashboard using Motion application as well, upon competed erasure.

  1. Offline erasure using offline licenses

During the creation of your Securaze Work bootable drive in Securaze Creator Windows, there is a possibility for your to add licenses for offline use. Once you create the bootable drive, click on “START OVER” button, unplug and replug your USB drive, and then select option 2: Manage licenses for offline use.
Follow the steps from Securaze Work user manual, on page 16.
Processing data will be collected on a USB stick connected to the machine before you shut it down.

Note: When processing Windows / Linux machines in offline mode, diagnostics are not available!
Processing of Apple computers is not possible with offline solutions!

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