Update Securaze Work macOS application on created bootable SSD for Apple Silicon
A new version od Securaze Work macOS application is available for you to download, and you wish to replace the existing one on the bootable SSD drive you created to process Apple Silicon (M1/M2) computers? Here are the steps how.
Take your Work Apple Silicon bootable SSD drive and plug it into a Mac (Apple Silicon)
Boot from the SSD, wait until the OS is up and running
Open Finder, go to Downloads folder, delete the existing unzipped SecurazeWork-x.x folder
Open Safari, go to Securaze Dashboard, and login with your Securaze user credentials
Go to Downloads page, and download the latest Work macOS application (at the time this article was written, the latest version was 4.11.0)
After the download is complete, go to Downloads folder on the Mac, and double click on the downloaded ZIP file to unzip it.
The file is now ready and accessible for you to start it from the Terminal
Start the Terminal, and enter the following commands:
cd Downloads/SecurazeWork-4.1
sudo ./full.shWhen you receive a message the application cannot be opened:
Click on Cancel, go to System Settings -> Privacy & Security, and click on Allow anywayThis message will appear only this first time you try to start the new Work application, next time it will start normally when you launch it from the Terminal.
It is very important to start Work application from the Terminal, do not attempt to launch it by opening the application from the folder, as this will result in failed operations.